If there is Paradise on Earth
It is this, It is this, It is this.
Whenever these words came in any context or conversation, the first flash or a picture or a name that comes to one’s mind, is without any doubt of kashmir .
kashmir salem nh
“THE VALLEY OF Kashmir ”
A replica of paradise created on Earth. The divine beauty of the valley enchants individual’s mind and makes them feel closer to heaven. The freshness of air, the beauty of snow filled mountains, the exotic smell of saffron, water in any form either rivers, lakes or springs with soulful sounds, every experience is a moment that will stay in one’s heart forever.
And here at

kashmir salem nh
Our aim is to provide you the glimpses of kashmir salem nh from the point of view of our photographers who with their expertise try to capture heavenly moments for you at the ease of single click/touch of your gadgets and screens.
kashmir salem nh
And of course with every picture, we will try to provide information and (probably) the story behind the picture because no matter what anyone says…we know everyone loves to hear stories.
kashmir salem nh
And we praise and appreciate your feedback/comments/suggestions and thoughts about our work or for us. You can email us whenever you want at
Email:- Admin@thekashmirvalley.com
Thank For Visiting kashmir salem nh
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